Monday, August 26, 2013

Cooper's Grilled Chicken and Spinach Domes with Tomatoes and a Peach Vinaigrette Dressing

The other night, our family was at my daughter's soccer practice. As we were sitting there, my son, Cooper, asked me what was for dinner. I mentioned to him that I was a little tired, so it would be something simple such as grilled chicken with a couple of vegetables on the side. He then asked me if he could plan and make dinner instead. Of course, I took him up on his offer. He knew that he had to make something that would fit into Whole 30 rules, and he also knew that I had chicken that was ready to go. So, after talking through what we actually had on hand, he decided to have his dad grill the chicken, and then he would create domes from those by layering spinach all over it and then would top them with tomatoes and a homemade peach vinaigrette dressing (he knew we had peaches, so he asked me if I could give him some increments for a dressing). He then decided that he would make a fruit salad to go with it. His hopes were that he would only need help with the chicken and dressing, and he succeeded! His meal was really tasty, and it also provided everything we needed (protein, vegetables, fruit, and fat). Perfect! Cooper's favorite part was constructing the domes. My favorite part was eating them (especially the dressing because it is super yummy and more will be made today).  I hope you guys enjoy these as well. It's also a fun way to get your kids involved!

Cooper's Grilled Chicken and Spinach Domes with Tomatoes and a Peach Vinaigrette Dressing
(Serves 4)

4 Grilled chicken breasts (seasoned with sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder)
Fresh baby spinach leaves
Chopped tomatoes
Peach vinaigrette

Peach Vinaigrette
2 Peaches, peeled, pitted, and diced
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt and pepper

Add peaches, vinegar, salt and pepper to a blender
Begin blending
Slowly add in the oil (while it continues to blend) until it is all combined thoroughly

Place a chicken breast on a plate
Strategically place spinach leaves all over the chicken until the chicken can no longer be seen. Build this up a bit so it forms a dome-like shape.
Top with tomatoes
Drizzle with the dressing

Serve with a fruit salad

Cooper's Fruit Salad
Chop your favorite fruits and mix together

Cooper's mix-
1 apple
1 pear
2 kiwis
1 banana
1/2 cup grapes

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